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KJV Standard Lesson Commentary 2021-20220

List Price: $22.99
Save: $8.00 (35%)
Availability: In Stock
ISBN: 0830782060
EAN: 9780830782062
Version: King James Version
As the world's most popular annual Bible commentary for more than two decades, Standard LessonCommentary (SLC) provides 52 weeks of study in a single volume and combines thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions. Hardcover.

Available in the King James Version and New International Version. Bible translations, the SLC is based on the popular Uniform Series.

Key features include: Verse-by-verse explanation of the Bible text, detailed lesson context, pronunciation guide for difficult words, printed Scripture, discussion starters, and a review quiz for each quarter.

The four main themes of the 2021-2022 study are:

  • Celebrating God-Exodus, 2 Samuel, Psalms, Mark, Acts, Revelation
  • Justice, Law, History-Pentateuch, 2 Samuel, Ezra, Job, Isaiah, Nahum
  • God Frees and Redeems-Deuteronomy, Ezra, Matthew, John, Romans, Galatians
  • Partners in a New Creation-Isaiah, John, Revelation
  • The large print edition is 10.9" x 8.4".